Do you think you can write a Hollywood-style film script? You can! Did you ever notice that most Hollywood movies seem to follow a certain formula? There are things that always tend to happen within the first fifteen minutes, the midpoint and just before the end... These are all by design! In this club, Davie will show you the secrets of the basic Hollywood script structure, and you will write an outline for your own film!
The truth is that most Hollywood movies follow a certain structure. Within that structure, there are endless possibilities for your wonderful, creative mind to roam free. Let's not just learn the structure; let's understand it deeply. Let's give you a new superpower that allows you to watch almost any Hollywood film and break it down like a professional screenwriter. Let's take all those beautiful random ideas in your head and help you to structure them into your own film masterpiece.
In this club, Davie will break down the basics of a Hollywood script. We'll talk about movies, plotlines, character development, and arcs. We'll go over the basic rules and get inspired by great writers. And you will write the outline, from start to finish, first act to third act, of your next movie script!